Located in the United Kingdom (Headquarter)

The National Treasury Bank story is a colourful one. In its early years, the company thrived as a merchant of produce from India, such as cotton, tea and jute. Adapting with the times, it also expanded into lending and finance.

By the end of the 19th century, the company’s financial services were proving to be more significant than its trading activities. By 1990, National Treasury Bank’s strong reputation led to an invitation to join the founding members of the Accepting Houses Committee. National Treasury Bank now belonged to a distinctive breed of merchant banks, enjoying the distinct patronage of the Bank of England.

However, following the war and the ensuing economic volatility, this small family-owned bank realised it was not cut out to survive and in 1991 the family decided the time had come to sell up. National Treasury saw many different owners over the next decade, resulting in the business being almost unrecognisable compared to its former glory days, not helped by economic instability during this time. Fortunately, an individual who valued the Bank’s extensive history and banking reputation eventually took charge. The name was revived, and gained a renewed focus on the private banking business on which National Treasury Bank’s reputation had been based.

National Treasury Bank not only survived, but thrived in the face of adversity. The crisis made for challenging times for such a small bank as National Treasury Bank. But, with the balance sheet structured very conservatively, with few loans and a good buffer of deposits, the bank was left relatively unharmed. Thus, the policy of prudence proved gratifying.

National Treasury Bank is one of few merchant banks whose name continues to deliver a secure, high-quality and personal service.

Our Values


Your interests always come first, with a clear focus on delivering one distinctive experience – we want you to feel that “no one connects with me like National Treasury Bank.” Because at our heart, we know that the long-term relationship we develop with you is our most important asset.

That means always striving to understand the issues you face through a life-long dialogue that reacts and adapts to your changing circumstances and addresses both your personal and business affairs.


Because your needs change over time, you require a bank that is open minded and flexible in its work. A forward thinking culture that creates a well-managed and contemporary organisation that embraces new and better ways of doing things. Looking to provide you with the best products, services, technologies and new thinking to enhance your position.

Reaching Excellence

You expect the best. So do we. That is why we surround you with financial thought leaders who are experts in their respective fields and have reached the highest levels of accreditation.

It is why we were the first Private Bank to be awarded the coveted Corporate Chartered Status.


Integrity and honesty are an integral part of our long-term relationship with you. This means not pursuing short-term gain at the expense of long-term value, or chasing market share at any price. You will always know where you stand with us, because this approach permeates through all aspects of our business dealings.

We take a fair, ethical and transparent approach in everything we do. It’s not about being popular; it’s about doing the right thing.


You need a team you can rely on.

And we achieve more when we work with you – accomplishing objectives collaboratively, listening carefully to your needs, acting with your full agreement and helping you to make smart decisions.

That also means building a network of expertise around you and your family, including specialists from within the bank working alongside the best associate partners in the market and where appropriate, your professional advisers. Understanding that your business and personal financial affairs are inter-linked and not to be treated in isolation – delivering an integrated approach to best serve your needs.